Liquid Local Art

Rawly passionate, unforgettable, distinct. These are opinions usually expressed while strolling through the Kommetjie Art Gallery , or heading back to the car after a Jeremy Loops concert. They aren't however, what you'd expect to cross your mind as you lift a beer to your lips. Yet Art is malleable, from heavy lines on canvas to the vibration of guitar strings, the truth is that creativity holds no single form. Roger Burton and Jaco De Beer (no pun intended) started Longbeach Breweries with this philosophy in mind. These are two guys who really know how to bottle their feelings , crafting the finest ales with international quality and local soul. Though for these entrepreneurs, and many others nestled in the heart of kommetjie, dreams may have never been realized without the people as a driving force. So let the creative juices flow by popping the lid on something local, and remember your support is helping keep the magic alive. This is a community with so much to give , a destination for expression , the end of the road known for its new beginnings. Feel encouraged to let your hair down, pick up your version of a paint brush, and remember, shoes are optional.
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