As from Thursday, the Kommetjie Surf Shop will close its’ doors along the rest of
the country. This is the first time in 14 years that we will close on any day other
than Christmas or Boxing Day. What strange and desperate times.

From today all beaches are closed. A lot of people have come in and debated the
merit in this and claim they will surf anyway. Our stance is clear. It’s not ok to
leave your house for any reason other than to buy food or for a medical
emergency. Any kind of water sport is strictly prohibited. The same goes for
everyone and any sport. This is going to hurt but not nearly as much as losing
millions of lives.

We are all in for a rough ride, but we shall emerge stronger, with more love and
more compassion than ever before. Please be kind to yourself and others and
remember that what is being asked of us, has the sole purpose to keep us safe.
We need to stand together! This rule has not been put in place to make your life
miserable, but to protect you, your loved ones and the vulnerable in society.
Rules have to be put into place because it is our nature to think we “know better”
and to justify why it is ok. From Thursday the entire country will be in lockdown
for 3 weeks (at least) or as set by the government.

Now is the time to do all those things you talk about but never do due to the
stress and responsibilities of daily life. Use the time to read, meditate, pray.
Exercise daily, set tiny little daily goals and achieve them. Don’t allow fear to
enter you mind. On the other side of this your passion for surf and the ocean will
only be stronger!! Stay home, be positive and stay strong! You can do it!

See you on the other side.

Video by Richard Wall "Satori"


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