While competition isn't the be all and end all of surfing it certainly has its place. It inspires progress and helps push us to new levels. To go beyond what is normal!! Big wave surfing made the news earlier this year, when the Cape Town big wave community (CBWT) voted not to support plans for a contest at Dungeons! One of the reasons the CBWT stated was lack of transparency in the selection process. Big Waves surfing is in the news again with Twiggy banned from the event at Mavericks. He was banned for speaking his mind and standing up for fellow charger and previous event winner Pete Mel, who was also banned. It seems the selection is decided by a panel of five all with vested interest as opposed to a system where surfers qualify on merit! Check this link of the reigning champ Twig charging hard and tell me what you think. Are they scared? Credit: Photo seen on Matt Bromleys Blog

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